Welcome to All In Paleo!
Yes, I know...another blog focusing on more natural nutrition and health. I want to do something a little different here and focus on just how I am moving towards my health goals, and hopefully inspire similar others to join me, explore with me, with the goal of inspiring each other to better overall health. I will share ideas I find with you here on All In Paleo, and also hope to add recipes that work with today's busy lifestyles.
My name is Jerry, I am in my mid-forties and married to my lovely wife Laura coming up on sixteen years later this June. We live in Marshall, WI with our nineteen year old son and twelve year old daughter.
For the last month or so I have been eating mainly a paleo diet and have been running 1-2 miles every other day. This morning was the first time in probably ten years that my scale dropped below 200lbs! I can't attribute this all to eating more paleo-friendly,
Food to me has always been a thing of love. Previously that love included loving large quantities of great tasting food made with love and without shortcuts. Over the past several months, and after reading many blogs and books, the same ideas kept popping up making sense to me...and I assume the reason you are reading this means you too are either searching or have made the choice to do the same, to eat the foods we are best suited to eat and to eat the foods that most nurture health.
Please follow All In Paleo, I hope you find something here to help you keep focused on your own goals!